Angel 420’s thought for da day


When Life throws stones @ us

Pick em up an build a new foundation!


Enjoy ur Flight.says

Angel 420 Brandi

as ya fly by the smilin’ werld of 420 greetings..


420 greetings to u this awesomely fine day!…..

PS: FEEL FREE TO COPY AN PASTE ANY OF the photos an cards here! no pressure no problem in 420 land!

Peace out!


One thought on “Angel 420’s thought for da day

  1. Reblogged this on Quarksire and commented:

    **** My Current Best Friend an Angel wrote this one down for me to start my day with and had to share it also, another day of overcoming the pains of life etc etc in Q’s werld with good thoughts galor3e as a result of this quote today also… good things to come an many projekts to share bout in the future also, frum Q’s body shop high on a hill in southern coloroda :).. πŸ™‚ Happy Humpday! allzzzzzz πŸ™‚


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